Friday, 22 April 2022

Number 28 - Monstress Vol 3 Haven - Liu & Takeda

 This series continues to impress. The artwork continues to amaze.

The worldbuilding continues apace. It's a fascinating and, in my experience, unique mix of feudal Japan, human/animal hybrids, magical necromantic cats, cyberpunk, and eldritch ancient gods.  What's not to enjoy?

We learn more about the ancient ones and the creature living inside Maika Halfwolf. Can Maika trust it? Does she have a choice? Or even a say?

The political scene becomes more and more fraught and war is on the horizon. 

Our heroes have reached a safe haven, but is it? With the forces chasing Maika, trouble is not on the horizon, it's right there.

I have part 4 all lined up and ready to read. Looking forward to it.  

The problem with writing up these continuing series is that, if the quality stays consistent, i'm going to end up repeating myself.  It's not easy to give any plot details without spoilers for the earlier volumes.

I will say though, that this series is as satisfying as a prose novel and I truly recommend you all seek it out.

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