Thursday 31 January 2019

Number 4 - On This, The Day of the Pig - Josh Malerman

This is a book about a telepathic killer pig. This should therefore be totally ridiculous, sleazy, ultra violent trash.  Good for a laugh but nothing more.

However, this is written by Josh Malerman (of Bird Box fame). That means the last thing this is is trashy, or just good for a laugh.  Against all expectations for a storyline as insane and frankly ridiculous, this is a genuinely scary book.  Think Animal Farm crossed with Carrie on a high dose of bad acid and you're on the right lines.

Pearl (that's him there on the cover with the gammy eye - lovely isn't he) is one of the most  frightening creations I've read about in several years. The book achieves an atmosphere that eradicates nearly all thought about how ridiculous this all is and it becomes an exercise in barely controlled insanity.

I had no idea while I was reading this where the story was going, who was going to survive, or how many pieces they would be in at the end of it all.  The characters are mostly likeable and we want to see them survive, which makes it more distressing when we have no idea if they'll still be breathing when we turn the next page. 

The numerous set pieces are mostly brilliantly done. The pace is relentless. From the event depicted on the front cover which occurs in chapter 2 (and chapter 1 has less than a dozen words...), there's no let up. More and more characters are drawn to the farm where Pearl holds sway over his small kingdom.

The prose is fluid and efficient.  Whilst the story is occasionally very violent, there's no extraneous gore for the sake of it.  Josh Malerman knows how far to push things, and when to end a chapter to best effect so you have no choice but to keep reading. He seems to be improving with every book.

Unbury Carol was my favourite read of last year and this is an early contender for the crown this year. It's not a completely perfect book, there are a couple of minor issues but they're so plot specific I can't say what they are for risk of spoilers. Certainly my favourite book so far. Easy 9/10.

It's available currently only through Cemetery dance and is limited to 1000 copies.

Hopefully it will get a mass market release at some point.

Note, I wrote this review because I wanted to.

Now excuse me, I need to sing for Pearl.

Good night.

1 comment:

  1. I read it as well. I was rooting for Pearl, and I can't say for sure that he died at the end. Once again, Josh leaves us dangling
