Wednesday, 16 January 2019


My first Blog

Best to introduce myself.

I'm an avid reader from the North of England.  I average in the region of 50 books per year and I've decided to start a one of these things to record my thoughts on my books as I read them.

I read most genres, from high literary fare to the trashiest of horror novels.  The only genre that I don't tend to get on with is romance. "Will they/won't they?" is a sub plot to a bigger story and just isn't interesting enough as a hook to hang the entire narrative on IMHO.

All thoughts in this blog will be my opinion (as long as I write them of course).  If you agree, you agree.  If you don't, you don't.  There's nothing to get angry about.

I think that's enough about me.  This blog is supposed to be about my books.

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