Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Number 1 - Charlie the Choo-Choo - Beryl Evans

Books read in 2019

A cheat read to start the new year off. - (I read this last week before starting on my next book which I will post about tomorrow when I finish it - can you all bear the suspense?)

This is a sort of a children's book but sort of not.  The real author's name is not Beryl Evans.  It is on the front cover though.

This book features as a plot point in the Dark Tower series by Stephen King.  Some clever sod out there in marketing land said, lets put this out as a real book so completists like him over there (pointing at me) will go out and buy it.

So they did and I did.  And I'm glad I did it.

The artwork is mildly disturbing to say the least.  We now know the answer to where did the fat controller's stash of methamphetamine go to from the look on Charlie's face.

The story is a traditional anthropomorphic train type of affair. If you've read the Dark Tower, you've read it and know it's not entirely as it seems.

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