Thursday 19 September 2024

Number 76- Reprisal- F Paul Wilson


The second from last book in the Adversary cycle until relatively recently. Also the last one published with this style of cover by NEL.  That's a great shame because I love these covers.

Will Ryerson Is a groundskeeper on a college campus. He has a secret past and keeps most people at a distance except for faculty member Lisl. His friendship with her verges on the romantic, but he refuses to get too involved. However his past is catching up to him. Why do phones ring with a mysterious message from beyond the grave whenever he is near one?

When Lisl becomes romantically involved with a mysterious new student, events start taking a turn for the worse.

Considering how close to the original finale this book is, there's a relative lack of overt horror in this book. Perhaps this is the calm before the storm.

The relationship between Lisl and the satanic young man is the key to the story and her corruption is nicely portrayed.  The middle section, where we flash back to Will's history and his link to the cycle, is the most overtly supernatural part of the story. There is a sense of tension that ratchets up gradually through the book, right up to the finale which blows things wide open for the last book of the series. 

Wilson is as good as King at drawing out the characters. They all seem to have their own personal backstories and feel like they've been in several books previously even if this is their first appearance.

This is how you do a cliffhanger ending in a horror novel. the central plot elements of this story are complete, but the overarching story of the series has reached crisis point. Nightworld has moved several steps up my TBR pile.

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