Monday, 15 June 2020

Number 38 - The Walking Dead Vol 8 - Made to Suffer.

I am a tit.

I'm in the middle of Finishing Touches by Thomas Tessier.  That should be book 38 for the year.  However, I seem to have left it at work so I couldn't finish it tonight.  Therefore, I've had to pick up where I left off on this series for tonight instead.

Just like the attack on the prison was one of the most traumatic episodes of the tv show, it's been one of the most traumatic events in the comics as well.

It's good to see that the tv series took it's habit of ending on a cliffhanger and forgetting about it for a while direct from the source material.

Volume 7 finished with the Governor's forces lined up against the prison.  Volume 8 starts by going back in time to the last time we saw the Governor.  Michonne had not been overly nice to him and you could say he wasn't feeling well.  As each volume is 6 issues of the original comic, we can see that the entire first issue after leaving such a cliffhanger ending followed the opposition, filled in the blanks, and finished on the same cliffhanger.

I think that's pretty brave writing.

The action barely stops in this volume.  Yet another character who survived for at least two more seasons in the tv show dies in this one, and very graphically.  Another character I thought would die last time, died this time instead - and very graphically. I have no idea who is safe any more (except for two characters and I know even their days are numbered)

The title is "Made to suffer" and yes, indeed, we do suffer reading this one.  I felt every one of our lead character's deaths. The ending is as bleak as hell. There's been no redemptive arc for any character as they died in this. No sense of victory even as someone else we know bites the dust.  It's the nice guys who've copped it for the most part.

Brilliant stuff. Can't wait for volume 9.

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