A double bill of the most recent entries in these two continuing series.
Last time we saw Erica Slaughter she'd been severely compromised in her abilities as a monster slayer. i was kind of hoping for a continuation of that storyline. Instead this volume is 5 standalone issues that flash back to events prior to the beginning of the series.
The first two felt very similar in content, but then Tynion started to make clever variations on the theme. The issue set in a therapist's office is probably the best individual issue of the entire run.
The artwork continues to be uninspiring except for occasional full page panels. It all finishes with Erica heading off on the first mission we met her on.
I seriously question the review on the back of one of these that states SIKTC reinvented the comic. As good as it is, it ahs never quite stopped feeling like a companion piece to Buffy with an entirely amoral watcher's council.
Which brings me neatly to...
The story this time involves a white mask called Bait- a young boy whose arms were ripped off by the monster that killed his family.
However, he's still able to kick these giant creatures to death. Of all the unlikely twists this series might have taken, the fact that a skinny boy with missing arms can apparently take on the same monsters that the heavily armed Erica struggles with (I managed not to use the 'armless joke! yippee) has to be the most extreme.
They do call him Bait I suppose, so his fighting ability is as much of a surprise to the House of Slaughter as it is to the reader.
We learn yet more about the inner workings of the House and how rotten it is at its core. The ending is particularly downbeat. That's a good thing IMHO. I'm not having a dig.
These were a very good way to kill an hour or so. I don't find them groundbreaking in the slightest but they are solidly entertaining and haven't lost my interest yet.