Wednesday 14 August 2024

Number 64- Raising Stony Mayhall- Daryl Gregory


This was a Christmas present from my sister last year.  I'd never heard of the book or the author before, but it shows how well my sister knows me that she would pick it.

It's a different take on the zombie novel in that the title character was born dead and grows to near adulthood from infancy in the first segment of the book. From then on in it mostly joins the ranks of the various thinking zombie style books.

John "Stony" Mayhall is found dead in the arms of his dead mother by Wanda Mayhall in the aftermath of a zomie outbreak. When he started to move, Wanda took him home where, against all possibility, he starts growing.

Eventually, he is forced to go on the run where he meets the underground organisation protecting the Zombies left "alive". From thereon in, this becomes a political thriller with zombies rather than the unusual family drama we'd had to that point.

Stony has powers I've never seen before in a zombie novel.  At times this is almost a superhero story with zombies. 

This is a fast and very easy read. Stony makes for a sympathetic central character. The supporting cast are well drawn.

This is one case where I'm not sure we needed the prologue as it almost stretched from foreshadowing into spoiler territory. That's a minor point though and at no point was I bored while reading this.  It's frequently funny (referring to the Romero films as documentaries for example, and the been there done that attitude to one potential action sequence is particularly amusing) and there are some real shock moments. 

I will definitely be adding more of Gregory's books into my ever growing TBR pile. And if my sister is reading this- a big thank you. 

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